KOMPAS.com - Dengan menggunakan racun laba-laba, ilmuwan mencoba membuat obat bagi pria dengan disfungsi ereksi.
Laba-laba yang digunakan oleh ilmuwan tersebut adalah laba-laba dari Brazil jenis Phoneutria nigriventer. "Salah satu efek dari racun laba-laba ini adalah ereksi terus-menerus," kata Dr. Kania Nunes, fisiolog dari Medical College of Georgia.
Setelah berhasil memisahkan senyawa penyebab ereksi dari racun, mencobanya pada tikus. Hewan pengerat ini dikenal sering memiliki disfungsi ereksi akut. Pemberian "viagra baru" ini membuat tikus bisa membuat tikus ereksi dengan normal.
Menurut Nunes, setelah menyelidiki racun lebih lanjut, ia dan timnya mendapati cara kerja racun laba-laba dalam membuat ereksi berbeda dengan cara kerja obat disfungsi ereksi yang saat ini sudah ada. "Boleh dibilang kabar baik karena beberapa pasien tidak berhasil ditangani dengan terapi yang ada sekarang. Racun ini bisa jadi pilihan lain untuk mereka," kata Nunes.
Laba-laba P. nigriventer biasa didapati di dekat tanaman pisang di daerah tropis. Laba-laba, yang kakinya bisa memanjang hingga 10 hingga 12 centimeter ini, sering berkeluyuran dan menggigit ketika merasa terancam.
Gigitan beracunnya terasa sangat sakit. Selain mengakibatkan ereksi terus-menerus selama beberapa jam, racun juga akan mengakibatkan orang kehilangan kemampuan mengendalikan otot, serta rasa sakit, kesulitan bernapas. Jika tidak cepat ditangani, kematian karena kekurangan oksigen dapat terjadi. Dengan diberi antiracun, korban biasanya kembali sehat dalam seminggu.
Tidak banyak kematian terlaporkan akibat gigitan laba-laba ini. Dari sekitar 7.000 kasus, hanya 10 yang diketahui meninggal. (National Geographic Indonesia/Alex Pangestu)
Poison Spider Viagra
KOMPAS.com - By using spider venom, scientists try to make a drug for men with erectile dysfunction.
Spiders are used by these scientists are from the Brazilian spider Phoneutria species nigriventer. "One effect of this spider's venom is a constant erection," says Dr. Kania Nunes, physiologist from the Medical College of Georgia.
After successful removal of toxic compounds cause an erection, try it in mice. Rodents are known to frequently have erectile dysfunction, acute. Giving "new viagra" This made the mice could make mice with normal erections.
According to Nunes, after investigating further poison, he and his team found any poison spiders in making an erection is different with the workings of erectile dysfunction drug that is currently existing. "If anything good news because some patients are not successfully treated with existing therapies. This poison can be another option for them," said Nunes.
Spiders P. ordinary nigriventer found near banana plants in the tropics. The spider, whose feet could be elongated to 10 to 12 centimeters, often wandering and bite when they feel threatened.
Poisonous bite is painful. In addition to causing erection continuously for several hours, the toxins will also result in the loss of muscle control capabilities, as well as pain, difficulty breathing. If not treated quickly, death due to lack of oxygen can occur. With the given antitoxin, the victims usually recover within a week healthy.
Poisonous bite is painful. In addition to causing erection continuously for several hours, the toxins will also result in the loss of muscle control capabilities, as well as pain, difficulty breathing. If not treated quickly, death due to lack of oxygen can occur. With the given antitoxin, the victims usually recover within a week healthy.
There are not many reported deaths from spider bites. Of about 7,000 cases, only 10 are known to have died. (National Geographic Indonesia / Alex Pangestu)